Farpoint Killing the spider boss like a boss PSVR VR180 3D gameplay

The video is PSVR gameplay. It can be watched in 3D with the PSVR using the Playstation Youtube app in VR mode. The video can also be viewed by any VR headset that can view VR180 videos such as Google Cardboard, Google Daydream, Gear VR, Oculus Rift, Vive Pro, Lenovo Mirage, etc.
For the best viewing experiencing be sure to go to settings and choose the highest resolution possible in the Playstation Youtube app. 4K will be available for the PS4 Pro and 1440 will be available for the base model PS4.

MOTION SICKNESS: If you are prone to motion sickness, try this tip. Look straight forward and do not move your neck/head. Only «look» around by moving your eyes. If you still get sick, only look straight forward. Generally, motion sickness can be overcome by continued use. The moment you start to feel sick, stop viewing, but keep coming back to the VR and most likely you can get over getting sick.

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